Feast of the Holy Name of Mary

Tell me by what name art thou called? Genesis 32:29
Because he hath so magnified thy Name this day, that thy praise shall not depart out of the mouth of men who shall be mindful of the power of the Lord for ever. Judith 13:25

The Feast commemorates all the privileges given to Mary by God and all the graces we have received through her intercession and mediation. On this day in 1683, the Turks were defeated at Vienna and Europe saved.

The great Polish military leader, Jan Sobieski saved the day.

The Capuchin Father, Blesed Marco D'Aviano celebrated Mass for the troops just before battle, leading them in repeated cries of 'Jesus! Mary!' During the fighting, he brandished a crucifix at the Turks, shouting, 'Behold the Cross of the Lord: Flee, enemy bands!'

Without this victory, it is unlikely that any European would have a homeland worthy of the name today.
