Bishops at odds with Pope

over internet Mass.

If the hosts placed in front of the TV by some chance are consecrated, it lays the way open for massive desecrations of the Host, the like of which have never been seen before in Church history.

If these hosts are not really consecrated, as well as being a waste of time, the Church is deceiving the Faithful.

This is sadly the consequence of the idea that the Church should be open to the world. Noone can serve two masters.

Collegiality means the right of a Bishop's conference to be wrong. Can anyone tell me when a national Bishops' Conference actually took a right decision?

"When he appears in Sao Paolo today, he will be followed on stage by Father Marcelo Rossi, who will perform a Christian pop concert."

Father Rossi Superstar.

But all the people want are holy priests, acting in persona Christi, preaching Him crucified.
