Post is satisfied with the Pope’s remarks

comment from What Does The Prayer Really Say?

Regarding Pope Benedict XVI, the Jerusalem Post article declared: “Last year, he reintroduced the Tridentine Mass, which Nostra Aetate had rendered archaic:”

Jews believe such nonsense as they have been fed for years such nonsense by Catholics involved in Catholic-Jewish interreligious “dialogue.”

An example: Eugene Fisher, the retired “expert” on Catholic-Jewish relations for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, declared several years ago that the Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer for the Jews is the “only official” Good Friday prayer for the Jews that is offered by the Catholic Church.

Just prior to Summorum Pontificum’s release, I contacted Eugene Fisher to ask why he conveyed that error to Jews. I stated that the Good Friday Prayer for the Jews had, for example, been offered for years during Pope John Paul II’s reign…and that said liturgy was an “official” prayer of the Church.

Eugene Fisher informed me (just prior to Summorum Pontificum’s release):

1. That he had fed correct information to the Jews.
2. That the Traditional Good Friday Prayer for the Jews was not an “official” prayer of the Church…that the Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer for the Jews was without question the Church’s only authorized prayer for the Jews.

Is there any question as to why many Jews reacted with rage when they learned via Summorum Pontificum that the Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer for the Jews was not the only official prayer for the Jews?

Catholic “experts” who have “dialogued” for years with Jews have fed a tremendous amount of errors regarding the Catholic Religion to Jews.

Jews had assumed for decades that the TLM had been outlawed by Rome.

Jews had assumed for decades that the Catholic Church had ceased to pray for the conversion of Jews.

Jews had assumed for decades that Vatican II had overthrown the Church’s traditional teachings.

Jews had assumed for decades that they had been fed correct information regarding the Catholic Religion by Catholic Churchmen and Catholic interreligious “experts.”

The bottom line is that more than 40 years following Vatican II, Jews are just as confused as Catholics are regarding the Church’s teachings, particularly teachings that regard the Jews.

Mass confusion reigns within and without the Church regarding our religion. Only the Pope can end the incredible confusion that has engulfed the Church during Her post-Vatican II years.

Comment by Robert — 13 February 2009 @ 10:00 pm
