Cardinal's lawyer tries to stop incriminating leaks by going to court

Le cardinal Danneels "n'a rien à ajouter" -

Cardinal Godfried Danneels has nothing to add to the answers he gave to the Commission of Inquiry on sexual abuse was his reaction Wednesday, speaking through his lawyer, after the publishing of an article in Het Laatste Nieuws which indicates that he had been notified at least forty times of cases of sexual abuse within the Church committed in recent decades. The lawyer of the Cardinal will file a complaint to determine whether there has been a violation of the confidentiality of investigations, he says in a statement.

The Flemish newspaper article is a "poor dish, badly warmed, not by coincidence published a few days after the judgement of the Court of Cassation last week, in which the illegality of searches and seizures has been finally confirmed," said Fernand Keuleneer.

The lawyer said that he was once again appalled that Het Laatste Nieuws “refers to “sources close to the judiciary”, and that the newspaper provides information on the state of the investigation, and what conclusions or not the justices have already reached"

The cardinal and his council will again complain to the judge "to determine if, once again, there is a question of disinformation and manipulation of the investigation, and a violation of the secrecy of the investigation. "

In an article published Wednesday, the Flemish daily recounted that Cardinal Danneels had been informed at least forty times of cases of sexual abuse within the Church in recent decades, based on letters from the records of Operation Chalice.
