Mini-Cooper Corpus Christi

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Father Peter Kubis is plagued with bronchitis. In spite of this, he still wanted to lead the procession in Keilberg, so came up with something special.

Corpus Christi in the Mini-Cooper: As Father Peter Kubis was struggling with bronchitis, he covered the last two Stations of the procession in the car.

The parish of St. Michael's Keilberg has this year celebrated a Corpus Christi procession with a difference: Father Peter Kubis covered the last two stations on the way back in an open Mini-Cooper.

The convertible was provided by church warden, Harald Bagwitz. The church wardens also took the wheel in person and chauffeured the parish priest up the steep hill. The reason for the unusual procession was the sickness of the priest. The nearly 80-year-old Peter Kubis is plagued with bronchitis. "I could have not really done it otherwise," Father Kubis said after the procession.

With the ideal weather, only our photographer broke into a sweat.
