Blessed John XXIII leaves Catholic Church!

The first reading comes from the Book of Kings, with an angel nudging an exhausted and distraught Elijah, telling him to get up and leave.

The Rev. Tom Sanford and his congregation have done just that.

Sanford left the Catholic priesthood more than a quarter century ago. But now he's back behind the altar. He's pastor of a new spiritual community, born out of his frustration with what he believes is the philosophical backsliding of the Catholic Church.

Sanford started Blessed John XXIII Ecumenical Church around Easter, and he's starting small. When he walks down the aisle to "We Gather Together," three worshippers stand and sing along.

Yet Sanford and his flock say there's a larger point beyond their small numbers: They have left the Catholic Church to become better Catholics.

Cathcon- the inconsistency would be highlighted if they could only ask themselves the simple question- would Pope John XXIII have actually approved of their actions?
