Austrian bishops stick with heretical translation of "pro multis" as "for all"

In celebration of the Eucharist, the translation of "pro multis" with "for all" will continue to be mandatory following the current edition of the Missal.

For the translation of the term "pro multis" in the Eucharistic Prayer during the Eucharistic celebration the German for "for all" will continue to be used. This clarification has been made ​​by the Austrian Bishops' Conference and now published by them in the Official Journal. The Bishops' Conference notes that this is the only acceptable translation for the purposes of the current Missal in the German language area.

The reason for the clarification was a letter from Pope Benedict XVI of 14 April 2012, in which the Pope had communicated to the bishops in the German speaking world the decision that "for the new translation of the Missal," the word "pro multis" must be translated into German with " for many".

The Conference of Bishops makes explicitly clear in its "clarifying statement" that this decision of Benedict XVI only applies "for the new translation of the Missal" applies and maintains that the appropriate ecclesiastical procedures "are not yet complete." Therefore, the authentic edition of the Missal stemming from the year 1975 was still binding.


Cathcon- collegiality in action.....

Have done some research on all the ancient liturgies, just to show how heterodox the translation is. No wonder churches are empty when at all Novus Ordo Masses, those with ears to hear have been heard all are saved.  The belief is related to Cardinal de Lubac's erroneous theology of grace which says that all will eventually be made perfect by God's grace elaborated in his book, Surnaturel of 1948.


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